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From YouTube: OpenID Connect as SSO Solution: Strengths and Weaknesses - Álvaro Iradier, Sysdig


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OpenID Connect as SSO Solution: Strengths and Weaknesses - Álvaro Iradier, Sysdig

OpenID Connect (OIDC), an identity layer on top of OAuth2 protocol, makes user login easier and allows for a seamless SSO experience between multiple tools and services by delegating authentication to a trusted Identity Provider (Authorization Server). The concept is quite appealing at first sight. But different implementations and lack of agreement, both on the client applications and on the Authorization Servers, can ruin your trip. In this talk we will explain the basic concepts of OIDC, how it works, how it compares to other Federated Authentication systems like SAML, and some integration examples like Harbor or Kubernetes. Then we talk about some common issues that are still rough edges, like the user onboarding and the roles and group management. Finally, we will see how we can make some non-OIDC aware applications work with OIDC by delegating authentication to an Nginx proxy.