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From YouTube: An Open Platform for Trading Interconnected Equities and Assets - Walid Ali, Google


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An Open Platform for Trading Interconnected Equities and Assets - Walid Ali, Google

Asset Trading (Stocks, Commodities...) fuses various data sources, stat & ML models & visualization tools. K8s and Kubeflow massively scale to thousands of models, brokerage organizations & analysts We illustrate how K8s handles Stock Trading by creating two clusters (Dev & Prod) to handle: -Thousands of stocks where ticker info are ingested, processed and stored in Stateful Cassandra. -Legacy MS SQL Server accessed through containerized .NET apps. -Live Tweets are analyzed using NLP tools -News Feeds are analyzed through Thomson Reuters Eikon -Industrial sectors statistical analysis -ML Models predicting asset pricing, trained through Kubeflow &TFJobs -Inference through R-based pods, and ML models deployed through Seldon A Jenkins server handles CI/CD for automating model training and deployment. Scaling is carried out via Namespaces, RBAC, Net Policies & Resource Constraints.