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From YouTube: Managing Applications in Production: Helm vs ytt & kapp - Dmitriy Kalinin & Shatarupa Nandi, Pivotal


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Managing Applications in Production: Helm vs. ytt and kapp - Dmitriy Kalinin & Shatarupa Nandi, Pivotal

Have you ever got a stuck Helm upgrade? Did you struggle counting number of spaces to use for indenting a template chunk? Have you switched away from generic deployment tools to writing your own operators? Do you dream about extracting common app configuration into a library for use by all your applications? This talk will dissect challenges you and I have faced while working with production Kubernetes environments, managing non-trivial application configuration, and deployment mechanics. It will dig deep into Helm v2, Helm v3, ytt, kbld, kapp, to understand design choices that ultimately result in great successes and failures in your production environments. Attendees will come away with a deeper knowledge of the inner workings of these tools and appreciation for the complexity hidden away in these tools.