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From YouTube: Kubernetes Leader Election for Fun and Profit - Nick Young, VMware


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Kubernetes Leader Election for Fun and Profit - Nick Young, VMware

Did you know that you can use the same code that core Kubernetes components use to elect a leader in your services? This can help with adding both reliability and scalability to your Cloud Native application. Discover the ins and outs of how Kubernetes leader election works and what options it has. There have been significant changes recently, for example the addition of the Lease Object, GA in 1.16. Using some real-world use cases, we’ll look at some patterns for using the leader election distributed lock. You will come away from this talk with some understanding of: - Possible interactions with standard mechanisms like Pod readiness and metrics serving How both controller/operator services (services that listen to the API and take actions directly) and translator services (services that listen to the API and present a translated API) can use it. - How one thing we tried didn’t work