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From YouTube: Help! My Cluster Is On The Internet: Container Security Fundamentals - Samuel Davidson, Google


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Help! My Cluster Is On The Internet: Container Security Fundamentals - Samuel Davidson, Google

You know security is important, but what does that actually mean in containers and Kubernetes, and more importantly, what are you supposed to do about it? If you’re new to Kubernetes, or at least Kubernetes security, this session will cover the fundamental concepts in container security -- including supply chain security and runtime security -- and give you context for the security tooling and open source projects like Falco and Open Policy Agent you will encounter in the cloud native ecosystem. We’ll use a real world example (“Oh no! This cluster is open to the internet!”) and cover a cheat sheet that you help you prevent bad things from happening. You should expect to leave this session with a mental model of how to think about container security, a list of security-related decisions you need to make on “day 0," and resources for how to keep security front and center in your team.