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From YouTube: Failure Stories From the On-premise Bare-metal World - Stephan Fudeus & David Meder-Marouelli, 1&1


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Failure Stories From the On-premise Bare-metal World - Stephan Fudeus & David Meder-Marouelli, 1&1 Mail & Media Development & Technology GmbH

Setting up a Kubernetes cluster is not trivial in general and doing that on-premise with bare-metal machines has very specific challenges. In addition to "just" defining the pod overlay network and embedding the host network into an existing topology, ingesting and directing traffic into the cluster is an essential task. Regardless of the chosen solution, compromises need to be made and eventually, failures will occur. In this session David and Stephan will show their real world setup of reasonably large clusters (up to 150 nodes currently), the reasoning behind the network design and the failure stories they experienced and had to deal with. The topics are ranging from ingress controllers via BGP, network routing, DNS and iptables to hardware load balancer appliances - and how those technologies are not as cloud native as one might wish.