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From YouTube: A Journey Through Kubernetes Admission Controller Taxanomy - Morgan Bauer & Srinivas Brahmaroutu


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A Journey Through Kubernetes Admission Controller Taxanomy - Morgan Bauer & Srinivas Brahmaroutu, IBM

Kubernetes admission controllers are plugins that govern and enforce how the cluster is used. They can be built-in to the APIServer, or webhooks that are customizable to your needs. Admission webhooks help you do some really cool stuff, there are two kinds of webhooks, validating and mutating. In this talk we will go thorough the taxonomy of Admission Controllers, providing examples of each type, and how to use them. There are many built-in to kubernetes, and they are optional to use. Others are webhooks that can be run external to the cluster. We will detail the differences between mutating and validating webhooks, and when to use each. During our talk we will examine the difficulties and complications and propose resolutions. We will show code examples to help write your own in the future. Join us on a journey through existing Admission Controllers before you write your own!