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From YouTube: Go? Bash! Meet the Shell-operator - Andrey Klimentyev & Dmitry Stolyarov, Flant


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Go? Bash! Meet the Shell-operator - Andrey Klimentyev & Dmitry Stolyarov, Flant

While using Kubernetes, the need to automate our work is everpresent. Usually, the task boils to a simple pattern: subscribe to Kubernetes resource changes and acting upon them. In the simplest case, a ConfigMap creation will suffice. In the complex one, interaction with a Custom Resource might be required. Most of the operations engineers know a scripting language (e.g., bash) and are familiar with the jq tool, which employs an indigenous paradigm of traversing JSON structures inspired by the functional programming paradigm. A general-purpose programming language, without a doubt, provides tons of benefits, but do they not create a steep learning curve on the path to automating and extending Kubernetes? This talk focuses on writing simple operators with the shell-operator, using a scripting language (bash) and jq, and justifies such an approach.