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From YouTube: Using Argo and Knative to Orchestrate Media-intensive Services in 5G Edge - David Breitgand, IBM


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Using Argo and Knative to Orchestrate Media-intensive Services in 5G Edge - David Breitgand, IBM

Kubernetes is at the core of the cloud-native transformation. In this talk, we will discuss how Argo Workflows, Argo Events and Knative can help with cost-efficient and extremely flexible orchestration of complex network-intensive services on Kubernetes. We will discuss a Knative based deployment of Argo Workflow and Argo Events and demonstrate how we used these technologies in 5G-MEDIA ( to orchestrate media intensive network services, such as tele-immersive gaming and mobile journalism in a 5G Edge. We argue that CNCF technologies can very efficiently complement traditional orchestration tools used by telcos, such as OSM, which are not sufficiently flexible to orchestrate highly dynamic session-oriented container based workloads of this kind.