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From YouTube: Still Writing SQL Migrations? You Could Use A (Schema)Hero. - Marc Campbell, Replicated


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Still Writing SQL Migrations? You Could Use A (Schema)Hero. - Marc Campbell, Replicated

Let’s talk about database schema migrations. All too often, migrations are deployed using legacy tools, or worse yet — (gasp!) manually. That’s because we write migrations the hard way, instead of simply declaring the desired state of the database. Kubernetes has proved that declarative desired state is a great idea, so why not build on top of the Kubernetes API to let the computers figure out how to write database migrations? SchemaHero is an open source Kubernetes CRD/Operator that solves database migrations. Want to add an index, or rename a column? Just kubectl apply the desired definition of a table, and the operator will take over by writing and deploying a migration. Once you stop trying to control the database and just declare the desired state, database migrations are no longer toil, but become predictable and reliable. Let the computers migrate your schema instead.