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From YouTube: Sponsored Session: Bridgecrew - End-to-end policy-as-code from IaC to Running Workloads


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Sponsored Session: Bridgecrew - End-to-end policy-as-code from IaC to Running Workloads

Speakers: Matt Johnson

Infrastructure as code (IaC) is a cloud-native game-changer. It's modular, reusable, and super shareable, making it easy to get up-and-running fast. Because it's so user-friendly, however, IaC is often subject to security and compliance misconfigurations that can make their way to production resources and workloads.
The key to preventing that from happening is adopting policy-as-code and scanning for misconfigurations continuously throughout the development lifecycle.

In this technical demo, we'll show how Bridgecrew enables exactly that for Kubernetes manifests, Terraform, CloudFormation, and more. You'll see Bridgecrew's complete codified cloud security suite in action—our IDE extension, pre-commit hooks, version control and CI/CD integrations, and runtime scanning.