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From YouTube: Sponsored Session: Datadog - Policy-as-code for Kubernetes with Gatekeeper


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Sponsored Session: Datadog - Policy-as-code for Kubernetes with Gatekeeper

Speakers: Ara Pulido

As more enterprises migrate to cloud native environments like Kubernetes, the need for scalable ways to define and enforce fine-grained policies increases: how can I limit the number of replicas of a pod for certain users? how can I ensure that all images come from trusted registries?

Gatekeeper is an open source project to integrate Open Policy Agent (OPA) in Kubernetes environments. Gatekeeper allows to define policy as Kubernetes objects, making it easier to adopt policy-as-code practices in Kubernetes environments and sharing reusable policy templates.

In this demo we will explain how to set up Gatekeeper for Kubernetes environments. You’ll learn how to adopt policy-as-code techniques and how you can integrate Gatekeeper with your existing tools.