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From YouTube: Securing Content Distribution with The Update Framework (TUF) - Lukas Puehringer & Joshua Lock


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Securing Content Distribution with The Update Framework (TUF) - Lukas Puehringer, NYU, Tandon School of Engineering & Joshua Lock, VMware

Time and again we see insecure content delivery systems – such as software updaters, and configuration management systems – being compromised to deliver malicious content. The Update Framework (TUF) was designed not only to prevent and detect attacks, but also with risk mitigation (reducing the damage from a successful attack) as a core principle. Being the first security-focused project to graduate in the CNCF, TUF is widely used both inside and outside of the cloud ecosystem. It is in use today in places including CNAB, AWS Labs BottleRocket OS, and Datadog. With several ongoing integrations being actively developed including the Python Package Index (PyPI), Drupal, TYPO3 and Joomla. We will introduce TUF by describing the basic architecture, including how TUF protects against a variety of real-world attacks on any content distribution infrastructure. Then we look forward to discussion with the audience as we deep dive on a current technical issue.