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From YouTube: Zero Pain Microservice Development and Deployment with Dapr and KubeVela - Hongchao Deng, Alibaba


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Zero Pain Microservice Development and Deployment with Dapr and KubeVela - Hongchao Deng, Alibaba Cloud

Developing and deploying microservices could be cumbersome on Kubernetes as developers need to manage deployment configurations of the services per se, MySQL, Kafka, Redis, etc. Those config files are complex and time consuming to learn and write. It becomes a huge burden to developers as they want to focus on business logic, not underlying platform details. In this talk, we will introduce how Alibaba abstracts away infrastructure details and provides consistent experience across various deployment environments by leveraging Dapr and KubeVela. In Alibaba, many developers can now focus only on app code, and the microservice components and their environments will all be setup and managed by the platform with sidecar based approach.