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From YouTube: Battle of Black Friday: Proactively Autoscaling StockX - Mario Loria, Carta & Kyle Schrade, StockX


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Battle of Black Friday: Proactively Autoscaling StockX - Mario Loria, Carta & Kyle Schrade, StockX

When we started our Kubernetes journey, manual responses to traffic spikes were the norm, causing significant brown-outs greatly impacting the customer experience. Graduating into an autoscaling implementation for both workloads and cluster nodes took time but yielded immense results. With this talk, we’ll explore how StockX has grown to solve these challenges operationally and developmentally, even enabling a proactive solution in addition to our reactive methods. Attendees will gain advanced clarity on autoscaling tools like the HorizontalPodAutoscaler and Cluster-Autoscaler, difficulties managing at scale, challenges in educating a rapidly growing team, and the unique intersection of e-commerce marketing events with infrastructure reliability efforts. Finally, we’ll announce an in-house tool we’re Open Sourcing to help aid others in their proactive autoscaling efforts!