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From YouTube: Resource Requests and Limits Under the Hood: The Journey of a Pod Spec - Kohei Ota & Kaslin Fields


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Resource Requests and Limits Under the Hood: The Journey of a Pod Spec - Kohei Ota, Hewlett Packard Enterprise & Kaslin Fields, Google

Let's learn how resource requests and limits work by illustrating what is really happening inside of your cluster - literally! CNCF Ambassadors Kohei Ota and Kaslin Fields will use fun hand-drawn artwork to walk you through understanding what your cluster is really doing when you set a resource restriction in Kubernetes. Engineers and their applications are going through a transformation. From running apps on a machine or VM directly, to running it in containers, and then to container orchestration via Kubernetes. During this journey, it is easy to become disconnected from what’s really happening on the underlying infrastructure. By learning what Kubernetes is doing under the hood, you can get a deep understanding for how Kubernetes manages compute resources. This talk will cover what happens, starting from setting the restriction on a Kubernetes Pod, then how these parameters will be delivered from the Pod spec to the Linux kernel layer through kubelet and CRI/OCI runtimes.