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From YouTube: CNCF SIG-Runtime: The Cloud Native Runtimes Outlook - Ricardo Aravena & Renaud Gaubert


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CNCF SIG-Runtime: The Cloud Native Runtimes Outlook - Ricardo Aravena, Rakuten & Renaud Gaubert, Nvidia

This talk will discuss the purpose of the CNCF SIG-Runtime, together with how we identify projects for CNCF admission and where we see the future of runtimes in the cloud native ecosystem. The session will cover: - Overview of the SIG-Runtime, how to join, and how to help. - Overview of related projects in the CNCF and the projects that have presented in our meetings. - Existing Workgroups in the SIG and how to get involved. - Future trends for cloud native technologies in the SIG scope such as containers, VMs, WebAssembly and MLOPs.