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From YouTube: Multi-Cluster Service Deployments with Operators and KubeCarrier - Rastislav Szabó, Kubermatic


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Multi-Cluster Service Deployments with Operators and KubeCarrier - Rastislav Szabó, Kubermatic

Complex application services consisting of multiple interconnected components can benefit from deployment in multiple Kubernetes clusters: Examples include for instance running the application core at a cloud provider and the database with sensitive data in a on-premises cluster or running computational-intensive tasks in a cluster with specialized hardware resources (e.g. GPUs) at the same time. This approach however brings several challenges. How can we interconnect the clusters so that the applications in different clusters can communicate with each other easily? How to allow for multi-tenancy and easily spin up multiple instances of such services in the same clusters? In this talk, you will learn how such a deployment may look like with the help of Kubernetes operators, the KubeCarrier service hub and the Submariner cross-cluster connectivity provider.