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From YouTube: Using a Distributed Key-Value Store - Nick Cameron & Andy Lok, PingCAP


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Using a Distributed Key-Value Store - Nick Cameron & Andy Lok, PingCAP

Key-value stores are well-known and the concept is simple, but there are myriad differences in the details of different stores. How you choose and use a key-value store in your projects is dictated by these details. TiKV is a distributed and transactional key-value store, which makes it massively scalable and a great choice if you have huge volumes of data and need low-latency access with low tolerance for inconsistency. In this talk, Nick Cameron and Di’an Luo will walk through building an application around TiKV using a language-native client. They will delve into the features, architecture, and limitations of TiKV, and the design principles and APIs of the clients. The talk focuses on the practical aspects of building an application using TiKV, so that you can easily leverage this technology in your own projects. TiKV and its clients are open source and have an open and active community; TiKV is a graduated CNCF project.