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From YouTube: Sponsored Session: Kasten - Introducing Kubestr: Identify, Validate, & Evaluate Storage in Kubern...


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Sponsored Session: Kasten - Introducing Kubestr: Identify, Validate, and Evaluate Storage in Kubernetes

Speakers: Michael Cade

As the adoption of Kubernetes grows, so has the persistent storage offerings that are available to users. The introduction of CSI (Container Storage Interface) has enabled storage providers to develop drivers with ease. There are around 100 different CSI drivers available today. Along with the existing in-tree providers, these options can make choosing the right storage overwhelming.

Kubestr is a collection of tools to identify, validate, and evaluate your Kubernetes storage options. Kubestr can assist in the following ways: identify the various storage options present in a cluster, validate if the storage options are configured correctly, and evaluate the storage using common benchmarking tools like FIO.