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From YouTube: Keep Calm and Containerd On! - Anusha Ragunathan, Intuit Inc


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Keep Calm and Containerd On! - Anusha Ragunathan, Intuit Inc

Letting go isn't easy! Especially when it comes to your Kubernetes cluster’s CRI implementation. Like most big Kubernetes deployments, Intuit’s 200+ clusters with 20000 nodes were running ‘dockerd’ as the CRI runtime, with dependencies on the docker API and CLI. We migrated our fleet of clusters to ‘containerd’. Whether you have a complicated Kubernetes installation with customized cluster addons or a simple set of clusters, you will be affected by the upcoming removal of dockerd from upstream Kubernetes. Come listen to us, learn from our journey and be prepared to make this migration smooth and seamless. We will share lessons learned migrating clusters to containerd. From issues faced with log management, SELinux and GPU support, to rewiring cluster addons related to CNI and runtime security, this talk is about Intuit’s journey moving to containerd. We will also talk about rollout of containerd to our production clusters and how we handled compatibility issues during cluster upgrades.