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From YouTube: Confidential Containers Explained - James Magowan, IBM & Samuel Ortiz, Apple


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Confidential Containers Explained - James Magowan, IBM & Samuel Ortiz, Apple

Confidential Containers ( enable cloud native confidential computing ( leveraging a variety of hardware platforms and technologies, standardising the confidential computing at the container level, helping users to deploy confidential workloads using already familiar workflows and tools; and in this Panel we're bringing together contributors from different hardware vendors, different projects (in different layers of the stack), and different companies to discuss and answer questions about this new complex technology. Topics for discussion will include: * How do we realise the benefits of cloud native confidential computing? * What impact is there to the Cloud Native User Experience? * What new considerations/concepts does confidential containers introduce? Note that this panel is a follow-up on what has been developed since was presented.