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From YouTube: A Treasure Map of Hacking (and Defending) Kubernetes - Andrew Martin, ControlPlane


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A Treasure Map of Hacking (and Defending) Kubernetes - Andrew Martin, ControlPlane

In this ultimate guide to threat-driven defence, we threat model Kubernetes and detail how to attack and defend your precious clusters from nefarious adversaries. This broad and detailed appraisal of end-to-end cluster security teaches you how to defend against a range of historical and current CVEs, misconfigurations, and advanced attacks: - See the historical relevance of CVEs and demonstrations of attacks against your containers, pods, supply chain, network, storage, policy, and wider organisation - Understand when to use next-generation runtimes like gVisor, firecracker, and Kata Containers - Delve into workload identity and advanced runtime hardening - Consider the trust boundaries in soft- and hard-multitenant systems to appraise and limit the effects of compromise - Learn to navigate the choppy waters of advanced Kubernetes security.