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From YouTube: To IPv6 - The Dual-stack Adoption Advisory Panel


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To IPv6 - The Dual-stack Adoption Advisory Panel - Bridget Kromhout, Microsoft; Tim Hockin, Google; Dinesh Majrekar, Civo; Lachie Evenson, Microsoft; Rags Srinivas, InfoQ

We all know we’re running out of IPv4 addresses. Kubernetes introduced the current implementation of dual-stack networking (supporting both IPv4 and IPv6 at the same time) in v1.20, and the dual-stack feature graduated to stable in v1.23. While the world has been slow to adopt IPv6, it is happening. It’s time to learn about using dual-stack to start your own move away from IPv4, supported by changes in Kubernetes components such as pods and services. Join for the discussion as SIG Network members and Kubernetes contributors dive into the technical details underlying the move to dual-stack networking, and leave with recommendations to shape your IPv4/IPv6 rollout strategy.