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From YouTube: Network-aware Scheduling in Kubernetes - José Santos, Ghent University


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Network-aware Scheduling in Kubernetes - José Santos, Ghent University

Recent applications are latency-sensitive, demanding low latency between microservices in the application. Current scheduling algorithms in Kubernetes aim to reduce costs and increase resource efficiency, which is not enough for applications where end-to-end latency becomes a primary objective. Applications such as databases and multi-tier web services would benefit the most from network-aware scheduling policies that consider latency and bandwidth in addition to default resources (CPU and memory). We introduce a network-aware scheduling framework to tackle this challenge, including two controllers (AppGroup and NetworkTopology) and three scheduling plugins (TopologicalSort, NodeNetworkCostFit, and NetworkMinCost). The framework ensures bandwidth reservations and optimizes the end-to-end application latency since it schedules pods in an application with chained dependencies close to each other. We will show a demo highlighting the benefits of our framework.