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From YouTube: State of NATS: Core, Persistence, & Materialized Views - Tomasz Pietrek, Synadia Communications


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State of NATS: Core, Persistence, & Materialized Views - Tomasz Pietrek, Synadia Communications

NATS is a high performance cloud native distributed communications utility that allows you to build globally available and secure applications based on streams and services that are both fast and simple to operate. In this talk you will learn about the advanced features of NATS JetStream persistence implementation that includes both Key-Value & Object Store use-cases. You will also see a demo showcasing the flexibility of the NATS newly added Materialized Views capabilities. We will also discuss how it integrates with other CNCF projects, and simplifies your distributed application code base with functions like: watches, history, & sealed streams that are seamlessly integrated via the NATS CLI & API.