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From YouTube: Flux Security Deep Dive - Stefan Prodan, Weaveworks


Don’t miss out! Join us at our upcoming hybrid event: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022 from October 24-28 in Detroit (and online!). Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy, and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.

Flux Security Deep Dive - Stefan Prodan, Weaveworks

In this session Stefan will go deep into the security aspects of Flux v2. We'll start by explaining the Flux authorization model and how it relates to Kubernetes RBAC and account impersonation. Then we'll compare the soft and hard multitenancy models from a GitOps perspective. We'll explore the configuration options on how platform admins can lockdown Flux on multitenant environments and how they can onboard tenants onto clusters using the Flux CLI and Git. Finally we'll talk about the Flux roadmap for 2022.