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From YouTube: Cilium: Welcome, Vision and Updates - Thomas Graf & Liz Rice, Isovalent; Laurent Bernaille, Datadog


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Cilium: Welcome, Vision and Updates - Thomas Graf & Liz Rice, Isovalent; Laurent Bernaille, Datadog

If you’re interested in using Cilium, or contributing to the project, this session is for you. Our agenda for this session: 1. Introduction to Cilium A brief overview of the origin and vision for Cilium. 2. Working with Cilium An end user's perspective of using Cilium. 3. Cilium Service Mesh Cilium can be used as a highly efficient service mesh data plane. Let’s discuss the learnings from our beta, and the upcoming roadmap. We will leave time for Q&A, and an opportunity to meet Cilium maintainers and contributors.