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From YouTube: Sailing Multi Cloud Traffic Management With Karmada - Zhonghu Xu, Huawei


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Sailing Multi Cloud Traffic Management With Karmada - Zhonghu Xu, Huawei

Multi-Cloud is becoming a new trend in recent years. It is the superset of multiple public cloud, hybrid, on-premises, and edge. It not only provides higher availability and flexibility but also prevents vendor lock-in. Karmada is a kubernets management system, it is natively suitable for multi-cloud application management. In this topic, Zhonghu will show you what Karmada can do for Multi-Cloud applications communicating on flat network and different networks. There are already many solutions that can help acquire L3 network connectivity cross multi-cloud, like VPN peering, submariner, etc. So the biggest challenge is L7 traffic management, Zhonghu will elaborate on how Karmada perfectly integrates with Istio to provide flexible and rich L7 traffic management features: priority routing, failover to another cloud, and also brings natural security in east-west traffic.