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From YouTube: Visualizing Kubernetes: The Power of Dashboard by Dan Romlein, Apprenda & Piotr Bryk, Google


Visualizing Kubernetes: The Power of Dashboard - Dan Romlein, Apprenda & Piotr Bryk, Google

Dashboard is the official web UI for Kubernetes. It allows users to visually manage applications running in a cluster and troubleshoot them, as well as manage the cluster itself. Since its release earlier this year it has seen rapid improvements and additions of new features. This talk will open with providing a mission statement for Dashboard and what problems it aims to solve, followed by a demo of some of those recent improvements and features. As part of their demo, Dan and Piotr will provide context by way of describing the rationale behind UX decisions made. Next they will frame known challenges remaining to be tackled and incorporate the others speakers in explaining currently proposed solutions. Finally, they will extend an invitation for the audience to weigh in and ask questions. Other key Dashboard developers and project managers will be in attendance to answer questions.

About Piotr Bryk
Piotr Bryk is a software engineer at Google and leads development of Kubernetes’ Dashboard, the official UI. He runs the SIG UI with Dan Romlein.

About Dan Romlein
Dan Romlein heads up user experience design at Apprenda. He is the primary UX and visual designer for Dashboard, and leads design critiques around new features. Dan runs the SIG UI with Piotr Bryk.
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