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From YouTube: Opening Keynote: A Cloud Native State of the Union by Dan Kohn


Opening Keynote: A Brief History of the Cloud from Servers to VMs to Buildpacks to Cloud Native Containers - Dan Kohn, Executive Director, Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Over the last two decades, the fundamental building blocks of application delivery has evolved. It started with non-virtualized servers from Sun, moved to virtual machines from VMWare and AWS (on first private and then public clouds, the latter being called Infrastructure-as-a-Service), and then continued to buildpacks on Platform-as-a-Service offerings such as Heroku. We’ll review this evolution, and the subsequent one toward open source approaches to VMs, IaaS, and PaaS like OpenStack and Cloud Foundry. - Cloud Native computing is defined as orchestrated containers of microservices. We’ll bring our history up to the current day by reviewing the extraordinary excitement around containers as the building block for modern applications and discuss some of the advantages of a cloud native architecture, including isolation, avoiding lock-in, scalability, agility and maintainability, efficiency and resiliency. - Dan Kohn is executive director of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

About Dan Kohn
Dan is Executive Director of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, a Linux Foundation project and organization advancing the development of cloud native technologies. He also helped create and launch the Linux Foundation’s Core Infrastructure Initiative.

He previously served as CTO of several startups, including Spreemo, a healthcare marketplace, and Shopbeam, a shoppable ads company.

As the #2 person at the Linux Foundation, Dan previously managed the not-for-profit trade group. Collaborating closely with the high-powered board representing the whole technology industry, Dan rebuilt the LF into one of the top industry consortia. He has continued to assist them, including in the development of the Node.js Foundation and the Blockchain-focused Hyperledger Foundation.

Dan was a general partner at Skymoon Ventures, a $70 M seed-stage venture capital firm that created startups in semiconductors and telecom infrastructure. He co-founded and served as the initial CEO of Pedestal Networks, an innovative DSL equipment company (sold to UT Starcom); Dash Networks, the first Internet-enabled automotive GPS device (sold to RIM); and Habeas, an email accreditation company (sold to Return Path).

For the previous 5 years, Dan helped manage several telecom firms controlled by Craig McCaw, including XO Communications, Nextel (now Sprint), and Teledesic. He served as a key negotiator in transforming a $12 million portal outsourcing payment from Nextel to Netscape into a $600 million investment by Microsoft into Nextel. He conducted board-level presentations as part of investor and contract negotiations around the world, raising over $1.6 B.

Dan started his career as founder and CEO of NetMarket, one of the first Internet companies. In 1994, he led the development of the first music store on the web, including conducting the first secure commercial transaction, deploying the first commercial database-backed website, and implementing the first shopping cart. He later sold NetMarket to Cendant, a multi-billion dollar membership services company. Dan lives in Manhattan with his wife and two sons.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.