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From YouTube: Automating Infrastructure Deployment for Kubernetes - Alena Prokharchyk & Brian Scott


Automating Infrastructure Deployment for Kubernetes - Alena Prokharchyk, Rancher Labs, Inc. & Brian Scott, The Walt Disney Company

"Many organizations run Kubernetes clusters in a single public cloud like GCE or AWS, and as a result have reasonably homogenous infrastructure needs. In these situations deploying Kubernetes clusters is relatively straightforward. Some organizations, however, have diverse infrastructure needs and as a result need to automate infrastructure deployment for Kubernetes across multiple clouds and data centers. This gives rise to a few challenges:

1. How to ensure Kubernetes clusters in different clouds and data centers can communicate with each other, or in some cases even have a single Kubernetes cluster span multiple data centers.
2. How to automate the deployment of multiple Kubernetes clusters.
3. How to incorporate the new Kubernetes multi-zone clusters (f.k.a. Ubernetes) into multi cloud and multi datacenter deployments.
4. How to manage the health of Kubernetes cluster itself, including, for example, how to detect and recover from etcd node problems.
5. How to automate the upgrade of Kubernetes master and Kubelets, and how to handle multiple versions of Kubernetes clusters that exist in a single deployment.

In the last 6 months, we have worked with several enterprise IT organizations to solve these problems. We will share our experience on how to automate and simplify Kubernetes deployments."

About Alena Prokharchyk
Alena Prokharchyk is a Principal Software Engineer at Rancher Labs, where she develops container and microservices frameworks including Kubernetes. At Rancher Labs and previously as a developer at Citrix and, Alena has worked on cloud and container production deployments for large enterprise organizations world-wide. You can find her latest thoughts on containers and microservices on her blog ( or by following @Lemonjet
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