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From YouTube: ITNW (If This Now What) - Orchestrating an Enterprise by Michael Ward, Pearson


ITNW (If This Now What) - Orchestrating an Enterprise - Michael Ward, Pearson

"With growing demand for containers in the enterprise, Pearson chose to lay its foundation with Kubernetes. With over 400 development teams across many different business units, the platform is absolutely critical. Pearson had to move away from traditional large enterprise infrastructure and aggressively pursue the efficiencies only containerization can provide. In this talk we'll demonstrate how we have built in security compliance, performance testing, quality assurance, abstracted away complexity, reduced overhead, aim to recover 10% of developers time, turned build tools into cattle, reduced deployment times and gain efficiencies in many other areas. Throughout the presentation we'll demonstrate all our current use cases with Kubernetes to include automation, tools used, management of external resources from within Kubernetes, SSL cert rotation and ChatOps integrations to name a few. We'll provide our latest Apache 2.0 code around Terraform deployment automation, our custom Jenkins plugin and if time allows our Hubot code as well.

This represents the story to date of an in-flight engineering project to modernize the digital estate of a global enterprise organization and how scale of the operation is leading us to challenge many established beliefs. Attendees will walk away with everything from workflows, to code, stories and an enterprise production use case which they can use to get started in their own endeavors."

About Michael Ward
Michael Ward is the Principal Systems Architect at Pearson responsible for leading technical design around enterprise Platform-as-a-Service based on Kubernetes. Prior to Pearson, Michael has spent many years in the industry in various roles including Chief of Site Reliability at Ping Identity, the Identity Security company. Take him for a beer and pick his brains on anything you like. You might even come away with something valuable. No guarantees of cost:benefit ratio implied or guaranteed. @devoperandi
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