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From YouTube: How Box Runs Containers in Production with Kubernetes by Sam Ghods, Box


How Box Runs Containers in Production with Kubernetes - Sam Ghods, Box

Everyone is talking about using containers to deploy microservices, but exactly how all the pieces fit together is still a bit of a mystery. In this talk, we'll go over how Box went from bare-metal infrastructure that took six months to deploy a new service to using Kubernetes and Docker to deploy services in under an hour. Learn the practical details of how Box implemented containers in production, including packaging, deployment, service discovery, secret management and more, and how you can use our techniques to get containers up and running in your own organization.

About Sam Ghods
Sam Ghods is a cofounder at Box where he is responsible for service infrastructure. Prior to his current role, Sam led software architecture at Box for eight years as Vice President of Technology. Previously, he was an engineer and cofounder at two other startups.
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