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From YouTube: Does Cloud Native Mean Container Native? by James Bottomley, IBM Research


Does Cloud Native Mean Container Native? - James Bottomley, IBM Research

"In the few years since containers rose to prominence, there has been much confusion about what containers are and whay they do for the cloud. This talk will try to unpick the separate concepts of cloud native, container native (and even container native bare metal) and explain where they fit into the pantheon. Although today it is true to say that Cloud Native methodologies cannot realistically be implemented without container technology, becuase of the dependence on container image formats, this talk will explore whether this is importand (do you need to understand containers to deliver cloud native) and will this always remain true or, as current trends indicate, there may be other implementation technologies that are also capable of capturing the cloud native banner.

Attendees will learn the difference between the terms cloud native and container native (and what container native bare metal means). What containers are, how they work and how they differ from other virtualization technologies. And finally we will look at some future looking technologies like lightweight virtual machines, and how they might bring the best of both worlds to cloud native."

About James Bottomley
James Bottomley is a Distinguished Engineer at IBM Research where he works on Cloud and Container technology. He is also Linux Kernel maintainer of the SCSI subsystem. He has been a Director on the Board of the Linux Foundation and Chair of its Technical Advisory Board. He went to university at Cambridge for both his undergraduate and doctoral degrees after which he joined AT&T Bell labs to work on Distributed Lock Manager technology for clustering. In 2000 he helped found SteelEye Technology, a High availability company for Linux and Windows, becoming Vice President and CTO. He joined Novell in 2008 as a Distinguished Engineer at Novell's SUSE Labs, Parallels (later Odin) in 2011 as CTO of Server Virtualization and IBM Research in 2016.
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