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From YouTube: Kubernetes Networking Panel: Collaborate on the Spec, Compete on Execution


Kubernetes Networking Panel: Collaborate on the Spec, Compete on Execution - Moderated by Robert Starmer, Kumulus & Susan Wu, Midokura

"Kubernetes assumes that pods can communicate with other pods, regardless of which host they land on. Every pod has its own IP address and there’s no need to explicitly create links between pods. Mapping container ports to host ports is unnecessary.
This is an elegant design where pods can be treated much like VMs or physical hosts from the perspectives of port allocation, naming, service discovery, load balancing, application configuration and migration.
A group of people passionate about this topic from several leading and respected technology companies got together recently to form a Special Interest Group (SIG) to design the specification. The same companies that collaborated on the spec also compete on the implementation as long as they follow the following fundamental requirements (barring any intentional network segmentation policies):
• All containers can communicate with all other containers without NAT;
• All nodes can communicate with all containers (and vice-versa) without NAT;
• The IP that a container sees itself as is the same IP that others see it as.
Open source is a truly fascinating new world where people working for complementary and/or competing technologies can work together and accomplish a common goal.
This is the case of the Kubernetes Networking Special Interest Group (Kubernetes-networking-sig). The group banded together to help solve the following four networking problems:
1. Highly-coupled container-to-container communications;
2. Pod-to-Pod communications;
3. Pod-to-Service communications;
4. External-to-internal communications.
Hear from a panel ranging from open source networking projects, such as MidoNet, Contiv Calico, and Flannel, who implemented their networking for Kubernetes and get their unique perspectives on how their respective solutions augment native Kubernetes networking. With the opportunity to collaborate during the SIG and compete on the execution - this is a panel you don’t want to miss!"

About Susan Wu
Susan is the Director of Technical Marketing at Midokura. She has previously led product positions for Oracle/Sun, Citrix, AMD and Docker. She is a frequent speaker for industry conferences, such as Linuxcon, ContainerCon and Cloud Open. Honored by the Cloud Network of Women (CloudNOW) organization as one of the Top Women in Cloud for 2013, Susan is passionate about advancing women’s contribution to the cloud industry and serves on the Board of Directors for CloudNOW.

About Brandon Philips
Brandon Philips is helping to build modern Linux server infrastructure at CoreOS as CTO. Prior to CoreOS, he worked at Rackspace hacking on cloud monitoring and was a Linux kernel developer at SUSE. As a graduate of Oregon State's Open Source Lab he is passionate about open source technologies.
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