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From YouTube: Lightning Talk - The Feature Formally Known as Prince ... err PetSet.


Lightning Talk - The Feature Formally Known as Prince ... err PetSet. Stateful Sets in 600 Seconds or Less - Chris Love, Datapipe

What, When and Why to use a PetSet.

About Chris Love
Chris has been coding for over 20 years and is an open source contributor for both Kubernetes and Terraform. He has architected key projects with such companies as Accenture, Motorola, ADP, Inuit, Warner Bros, and CenturyLink. Chris is passionate about scalable open source technologies, Big Data, and not getting woke up at 2 am because a system went boom. Outside of work, Chris can be found working on his computer too much, enjoying time with wife, or passing on his love for the Martial Arts through Kenpo.
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