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From YouTube: Lightning Talk - Kubernetes and Ceph Integration: From Deployment to Production by Huamin Chen


Lightning Talk - Kubernetes and Ceph Integration: From Deployment to Production - Huamin Chen, Red Hat

This talk presents recent status of Ceph and Kubernetes integration. Deploying Ceph Cluster on Kubernetes using DaemonSet significantly reduces the administrative overhead to get Ceph Cluster ready for end users. Using Ceph RBD Storage Class that is introduced in Kubernetes 1.4 brings flexibility and ease of use to end users.

About Huamin Chen
A passionate system software developer, Huamin Chen contributes to open source projects spanning from A to Z: Apache BigTop, Ceph, fio, Gluster, Kubernetes, Tachyon, and ZFS. Huamin Chen is currently employed by Red Hat. Follow him at
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