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From YouTube: Using Custom Resources to Provide Cloud Native API Management - Frank B Greco Jr


Using Custom Resources to Provide Cloud Native API Management - Frank B Greco Jr, Northwestern Mutual

API management is an essential component for all production services. Northwestern Mutual uses it to secure 100s of microservices deployed to our Kubernetes clusters every day! Learning from our API management journey over the past few years, we found many ways to innovate in this space. Using Custom Resource Definitions as a catalyst, we created an open source project called Kanali, a Kubernetes native API management solution. In this talk, we will take you through our API management journey that led up to Kanali and then discuss how to use Kanali to secure your Kubernetes workloads. We will also look at how Kanali integrates with open source developer tooling such as Opentracing, Jaeger, and Grafana.

About Frank Basil Greco
Hi I’m Frank! I’m an extremely passionate tech engineer, developer, and architect from Milwaukee. My current passions lie in highly available and scalable infrastructure, containerization, serverless architecture, automation, artificial intelligence, web development, API management and algorithm theory. I am also very passionate about open source software and contribute regularly. I love working in a fun, collaborative and startup-like atmosphere with passionate individuals. For fun you’ll usually find me developing new custom skills for Alexa or integrating the latest IoT with my home.
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