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From YouTube: Would You Like Some Tracing With Your Monitoring? - Yuri Shkuro, Uber Technologies


Would You Like Some Tracing With Your Monitoring? - Yuri Shkuro, Uber Technologies

Understanding how your microservices based application is executing in a highly distributed and elastic cloud environment can be complicated. Distributed tracing has emerged as an invaluable technique that succeeds where traditional monitoring tools falter. Yet deploying it can be quite challenging, especially in the large scale, polyglot environments of modern companies that mix together many different technologies. In this talk we share what we have learned while building and rolling out Jaeger, our open source, OpenTracing-native distributed tracing system, to hundreds of microservices at Uber. We showcase new and exciting features that make it even more valuable to engineers.

About Yuri Shkuro
Yuri is a Staff engineer at Uber Technologies, working on distributed tracing, reliability, monitoring, and performance. He is a member of the CNCF OpenTracing Specification Council, and the founder of Jaeger, Uber's open source distributed tracing system.
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