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From YouTube: The Service Mesh: Past, Present, and Future [B] - William Morgan, Buoyant


The Service Mesh: Past, Present, and Future [B] - William Morgan, Buoyant

In this talk, we describe the service mesh, a runtime infrastructure layer that’s rapidly rising to prominence with the advent of open source projects like Istio, Envoy, and Linkerd. We trace the evolution of the service mesh model through three-tiered apps and “fat clients” to the modern, sidecar-based implementations, compare and contrast with ESBs and API gateways, and show that, as with most “new” technology, the ideas and principles behind the service mesh have been around for a long time.

About William Morgan
William is the cofounder and CEO of Buoyant, a startup focused on building service mesh technology. Prior to Buoyant, he was an infrastructure engineer at Twitter, where he helped move Twitter from a failing monolithic Ruby on Rails app to a highly distributed, fault-tolerant microservice architecture. He was a software engineer at Powerset, Microsoft, and, a research scientist at MITRE, and holds an MS in computer science from Stanford University.
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