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From YouTube: CrashLoopBackoff, Pending, FailedMount and Friends: Debugging Common Kubernetes Cluster


CrashLoopBackoff, Pending, FailedMount and Friends: Debugging Common Kubernetes Cluster and Application Issues [B] - Joe Thompson, Oteemo

Nothing is more frustrating than deploying a shiny new application on Kubernetes and having it fail immediately (usually five minutes before the big demo). Is it a problem with the pod network? Pods Pending or in CrashLoopBackoff, Services not serving, images not pulling? Maybe you're just plain out of resources. If you're new to Kubernetes, figuring it out from scratch can take hours you don't have. We'll show you how to dig in, identify the problem, resolve it, and learn what to watch for so you aren't taken by surprise next time.

About Joe Thompson
I'm a senior consultant in the container practice at Oteemo, a consultancy specializing in innovative IT automation, and also a co-organizer of the NOVA Kubernetes Meetup. Prior to Oteemo I worked at CoreOS and Red Hat, providing practical solutions and training in and for Kubernetes and other cloud environments. My experience in IT operations and engineering stretches from present-day cloud and virtualization back to before you could Google error messages to find out what the problem was, and my blood type is caffeine-positive.
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