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From YouTube: Compliance and Identity Management in Kubernetes [I] - Marc Boorshtein, Tremolo Security, Inc.


Compliance and Identity Management in Kubernetes [I] - Marc Boorshtein, Tremolo Security, Inc.

Compliance with what? Depends on your industry. As k8s continues to expand into regulated enterprises such as government, health care and financials deployments will need to understand how managing users and their access relates to compliance obligations. This session will focus on how identity management can be approached for solving this issue. How do you onboard users? Authorize their access to a namespace? Offboard them? Is there a need to differentiate between a privileged user and an unprivileged user? I'll go beyond the technical implementation in k8s and tie it to specific compliance requirements in FISMA and demo how solving the compliance issue can also improve the usability and security of your k8s deployment. This talk will follow a similar form to but specifically on k8s.

About Marc Boorshtein
Marc has nearly fifteen years of identity and access management experience as a software engineer, product developer, and consultant. He is experienced building, deploying, and managing identity systems from most major vendors across numerous industries as well as working with security teams to analyze compliance impacts and assist with remediation. Marc has been the lead architect for multiple civilian agency's FICAM programs and has previously spoken at Google DevFest 2016, The Information Security Systems Association conference, given multiple briefings on identity management for OpenShift Commons and presented on OpenShift identity management compliance at Red Hat Summit 2017.
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