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From YouTube: Highly Available Services During Maintenance Events - Maisem Ali & Eric Tune, Google


Highly Available Services During Maintenance Events - Maisem Ali & Eric Tune, Google

Maintenance events occur and require taking down nodes for various reasons. Eric and Maisem talk about the best practices and lessons learned trying to minimize downtime during routine maintenance events.

They show how to use StatefulSets and PodDisruptionBudgets to achieve highly available services. They go on to explain what the best practices for performing node maintenance are using scenarios like failed pod evictions, non-responsive kubelets and network bisections.

About Maisem Ali
Maisem has been working on Kubernetes for the last two years. He has heavily contributed to upgradability and upgrade testing between Kubernetes versions, and primarily focuses on the Google Kubernetes Engine control plane

About Eric Tune
Eric has worked on Kubernetes since before the first public release. He has contributed to Security, Tenancy, Application Controllers, Charts, Jobs, documentation, and more. Before Kubernetes, he worked on Google's Borg system, on datacenter-scale efficiency and performance measurement, and on web search.
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