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From YouTube: Running MySQL on Kubernetes [I] - Patrick Galbraith, Consultant


Running MySQL on Kubernetes [I] - Patrick Galbraith, Consultant

MySQL is the world's most popular open source database and there are a number of ways to run it on Kubernetes. This talk will cover each type of MySQL deployment strategy starting from a simple MySQL pod, to a asynchronous replicated master-slave, synchronous Galera cluster, and on to a Vitess clustering system which allows for horizontal scaling of MySQL and innately has built-in sharding, explaining how each is deployed, what features are available, and what type of application they lend themselves to.

About Patrick Galbraith
Patrick Galbraith has been involved in MySQL, Linux, and other Open Source (OSS) projects back to the early days of Slackware. He has worked broad spectrum of companies throughout his career, including Slashdot, MySQL, Blue Gecko, Hewlett-Packard, and landing recently at Dyn, an Oracle business. During his tenure in Hewlett-Packard's Advanced Technology Group (ATG) for Cloud and Open Source, Patrick had a focus on containerization with emphasis on Kubernetes; this focus, like all ATG endeavors, included participation in the associated OSS communities. Patrick has a keen, and long-standing interest in the effective marriage databases and Kubernetes with a bent toward MySQL. To this end, Patrick's "Galera Cluster for MySQL on Kubernetes" demonstration is a deep-rooted passion of his.
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