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From YouTube: Embracing Cloud Native at a Thriving, Established Company - Brian Akins, MailChimp


Embracing Cloud Native at a Thriving, Established Company - Brian Akins, MailChimp

We are in the midst of a major shift at MailChimp. In many ways, we are a microcosm of the industry as a whole: moving from large monoliths to microservices and trying to figure out what that even means. I will discuss the hands-on, real world experiences we have had as we embrace microservice techniques and technologies. I’ll discuss why we choose Kubernetes, Prometheus, and other cloud native technologies. I’ll show our approach to building and operating multiple on premise, bare metal clusters. We’ll talk about our existing development and deployment pipeline as well as our current experimental projects. We’ve had a few false starts and failures and will discuss those to help others possibly avoid the same issues. Finally, I’ll speak candidly about the struggles we’ve had getting organizational momentum for this transformation.

About Brian Akins
Brian is a 20 year industry veteran.He has done a bit of everything - from assembly to CSS racking servers to building distributed systems. For the last few years, Brian has been focused on building and operating infrastructure using components such as containers, Kubernetes, Prometheus, etc. He is currently a staff engineer at MailChimp. Brian lives in the suburbs of Atlanta with his wife and four children.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.