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From YouTube: Building GPU-Accelerated Workflows with TensorFlow and Kubernetes [I] - Daniel Whitenack


Building GPU-Accelerated Workflows with TensorFlow and Kubernetes [I] - Daniel Whitenack, Pachyderm

GPUs are critical to some artificial intelligence workflows. In particular, workflows that utilize TensorFlow, or other deep learning frameworks, need GPUs to efficiently train models on image data. These same workflows typically also involve mutli-stage data pre-processing and post-processing. Thus, a unified framework is needed for scheduling multi-stage workflows, managing data, and offloading certain workloads to GPUs.

In this talk, we will introduce a stack of open source tooling, built around Kubernetes, that is powering these types of GPU-accelerated workflows in production. We will do a live demonstration of a GPU enabled pipeline, illustrating how easy it is to trigger, update, and manage multi-node, accelerated machine learning at scale. The pipeline will be fully containerized, will be deployed on Kubernetes via Pachyderm, and will utilize TensorFlow for model training and inference.

About Daniel Whitenack
Daniel (@dwhitena) is a Ph.D. trained data scientist working with Pachyderm (@pachydermIO). Daniel develops innovative, distributed data pipelines which include predictive models, data visualizations, statistical analyses, and more. He has spoken at conferences around the world (ODSC, Spark Summit, PyCon, GopherCon, JuliaCon, and more), teaches data science/engineering with Purdue University (@LifeAtPurdue) and Ardan Labs (@ardanlabs), maintains the Go kernel for Jupyter, and is actively helping to organize contributions to various open source data science projects.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.