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From YouTube: Webhooks for Automated Updates [B] - Rajashree Mandaogane, Rancher Labs


Webhooks for Automated Updates [B] - Rajashree Mandaogane, Rancher Labs

In most software projects, there is a tremendous focus on increasing efficiency and reliability. Rolling updates in Kubernetes is a really good example of how real-time updates to applications can be made reliable, without any downtime. Once you have a reliable system, you then need to make your software development process even more efficient. A key component in efficiency is automation. Automated builds on Docker cloud are a great way to efficiently build images when new code is pushed. In this talk we will discuss how we can take automation one step further. We will make use of the Kuberbnetes API calls, along with Docker Hub's webhooks feature, to automatically start rolling updates of deployments when a new image/tag is pushed to Docker Hub. We will demonstrate how you can write a micro-service that will make these calls after consuming the data pushed by Docker Hub's webhook.

About Rajashree Mandaogane
Rajashree, an NC State graduate is a Software Engineer at Rancher Labs. She loves programming in Golang and working on container orchestration. She lives by the motto, “You’ll never know what you can do, until you try”. This has led her not only to being a developer, but also an amateur writer on Medium, and a recent half marathon runner! Her idea of a good weekend encompasses one where she spends time trying tutorials for any new orchestration tools, and also just binge watching any Netflix shows.
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