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From YouTube: ''Hot Dogs or Not" - At Scale with Kubernetes [I] - Vish Kannan & David Aronchick, Google


''Hot Dogs or Not" - At Scale with Kubernetes [I] - Vish Kannan & David Aronchick, Google

Kubernetes promises to be a multi workload platform. This talk will explore how Kubernetes can be easily leveraged to build a complete Deep Learning pipelines starting all the way from data ingestion/aggregation, pre-processing, ML training, and serving with the mighty Kubernetes APIs. This talk will use Tensorflow and other other ML frameworks to highlight the value that Kubernetes brings to Machine Learning. Along the way, key infrastructure features introduced to abstract and handle hardware accelerators which make Machine Learning possible will also be presented.

About David Aronchick
David Aronchick is the Senior Product Manager for the Google Container Engine, and leads product management on behalf of Google for Kubernetes. David has been helping to ship software for nearly 20 years, founding and being part of the management team for three different startups, as well as squeezing in time at Microsoft, Amazon, Chef, and now Google.

About Vish Kannan
Vishnu Kannan is a Senior Software Engineer at Google. Vishnu received his Masters in ECE from Georgia Tech. He has been a systems engineer ever since he graduated. He hacked on the Linux Kernel for a couple of years at Cisco. He then worked on Borg at Google. He is currently focused on Open Source Containers, spending most of his time on Kubernetes.
Join us for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Barcelona May 20 - 23, Shanghai June 24 - 26, and San Diego November 18 - 21! Learn more at The conference features presentations from developers and end users of Kubernetes, Prometheus, Envoy and all of the other CNCF-hosted projects.