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From YouTube: FaaS and Furious - 0 to Serverless in 60 Seconds, Anywhere - Alex Ellis, ADP


FaaS and Furious - 0 to Serverless in 60 Seconds, Anywhere - Alex Ellis, ADP

OpenFaaS (or Functions as a Service) is a Cloud Native framework for building serverless functions with containers (as popularised by AWS Lambda). With OpenFaaS you can package any process or container as a serverless function for either Linux or Windows - just bring your Kubernetes or Docker cluster. Avoid vendor lock-in by running functions in your own datacenter or the cloud with your existing CI/CD and container ecosystem. The project focuses on ease of use through its UI and CLI which can be used to test and monitor functions in tandem with Prometheus integration that enables auto-scaling as demand increases.

You can deploy OpenFaaS in 60 seconds on Kubernetes and thanks to concise code templates all you need to write is a handler in your favourite programming language then let your cluster do the heavy lifting.

OpenFaaS was recently trending as the top open-source project on GitHub, won Best Cloud Computing Software 2017 from InfoWorld and has a thriving community with 65 contributors, 1400 commits and over 8k stars.

Come and find out how and why people are leveraging an event-driven architecture along with some cool interactive demos and swag.

Note - OpenFaaS is an independent project started by Alex Ellis and is now being shaped by a growing community of contributors and users.

About Alex Ellis
Alex is a Docker Captain and Principal Developer @ ADP where he has years of experience in the enterprise supporting payroll and HCM for up to 500k clients. He's a polyglot, blogger, published writer and mentor in the Docker/container and Raspberry Pi community.
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